

Anyone can make an online report with 威尼斯人网上娱乐 through EthicsPoint, which also includes the option to make a report anonymously. EthicsPoint allows for communication between an anonymous individual and the University through a separate web portal. Although no identifying information is shared, an ongoing dialogue is nonetheless possible.







EthicsPoint is a third-party secure web网站 that connects an individual with the appropriate University employee to respond to the concern without identifying the reporting individual.  There are also additional FAQs available on the EthicsPoint 网站.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service. Contact Drake 公共安全 at 515-271-2222 or Des Moines Police at 911 for immediate response to emergencies.


去 EthicsPoint 网站 and click on the bolded category that best fits your concern. From there, you will be taken to an intake form. This is where you can decide if you would like to proceed anonymously by clicking the appropriate button. 

You may also start a report by calling EthicsPoint at 877-295-7940. You will still have the option to remain anonymous if you call.

What types of reports can be filed through EthicsPoint?

The EthicsPoint web网站 lists a broad category of reports that may be filed with the University. The purpose of these categories is to ensure that your report is directed to the appropriate University employee for review and response. The current categories for reports are:

  • 会计及审计事宜: Unethical business or financial transactions.
  • 利益冲突: Real or perceived relationship or interest that compromises an individual or a university program.
  • 性 & Interpersonal Misconduct/歧视: 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 国内/约会暴力, 跟踪, or discrimination based on sex in employment, 教育项目, 或者大学活动.
  • 歧视, Harassment, or Bias: 歧视, 基于种族的骚扰或偏见, color, 国家的起源, 信条, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, 怀孕, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 遗传信息, 退伍军人就业状况, 教育项目, 或者大学活动.
  • Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records: Wrongfully altering, falsifying, forging, misrepresenting, or neglecting to file required documents.
  • 欺诈: Intentional misrepresentation or concealment.
  • Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity: Improper selection, negotiation, or activity involving a supplier or contractor.
  • NCAA Rule Violations – Recruiting and Other Misconduct: Any activity in violation of NCAA rules on recruiting, behavior, or ethical behavior.
  • 盗窃或挪用公款而: 偷.
  • 暴力或威胁: 实际, 威胁, 或者意图实施暴力, injury or dam年龄 to people or property, including hazing (physical or otherwise).
  • 环境/安全问题: Unsafe working conditions, workplace safety, or other environmental concerns or violations.

What does the University do with an anonymous report?

When a report is made through EthicsPoint, know that the University will take it seriously and will look into the matter as far as reasonably possible given the information received. The University respects a person’s choice to proceed anonymously and can support an individual through that process; please understand, 然而, that doing so may limit the University’s ability to both respond fully to the incident and assist the individual directly other than through the anonymous online dialogue. If more resources are needed or if specific outcomes are wanted, the individual could also consider a traditional report or formal complaint process through the University.

What should I expect after I file an anonymous report?

After you file an anonymous report, you will receive a unique and secure code that will allow you to log back in to check for any responses or 问题 from the University.  

A University employee will review your report and will get back in touch with you to either acknowledge your report or possibly to ask further 问题 or provide information; 然而, because the report is anonymous and not tied to an e-mail account, you will not be notified of the response.  EthicsPoint will instruct you to check back on the 网站 for any responses, 问题, or information from the University.

To check the status of your report, go to the EthicsPoint web网站 and click the Check on Your Report tab.

If the report is still open, you can add information to your report. If the report has been closed and you would like to add additional information, you can start a new report to reactivate the process.

If your report includes a matter of safety or violence involving another person and the University feels it is necessary to contact that person, the University may attempt to check in with you first to assess any concerns over doing so.


